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NMW Rise

31st March 2023
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The National Minimum Wage (NMW) rises on the 1st of April 2023 and it’s the biggest rise we have ever seen!

The NMW is the minimum pay per hour almost all workers are entitled to. 

The National Living Wage (NLW) is higher than the NMW – workers get it if they’re aged 23 and over.

All grooms MUST be paid at least the NMW for EVERY hour they work, or be able to claim Time Off In Lieu, (TOIL), for any additional hours worked. 

If you are already paid above the NMW/NLW, you are not automatically entitled to a pay rise.


2023/2024 NMW / NLW Rates

National Living Wage

(Age 23+)

Age 21-22 Age 18-20 Age 16-17 Apprentice*
£10.42 £10.18 £7.49 £5.28 £5.28

*Apprentice rate is for those apprentices who are under 19 years old or within their first year of the apprenticeship.


When is the new rate paid?

The new higher rates apply from the start of your next pay period after the 1st April 2023. What this means is:

If you are paid, for example, on the 25th of the month, the old rate applies from the 1st – 25th April and the new rate is applied from 26th April – 25th May.

Your rate can also change during the year if you move into a different age bracket – the same rules apply.



Even if you’re being paid the correct rate for your age, it doesn’t always mean you’re being paid the NMW due to errors that can occur. This can be related to;

  • Travel time
  • Training time
  • Unpaid time
  • Uniform / safety equipment
  • Accomodation

If you arent sure you are being paid correctly, contact the BGA for support, members have access to lots of guidance on the website and are able to call the BGA team for free advice. 



A recent survey of equestrian workers identified NMW failings. Over half of respondents are not being paid in line with NMW legislation.

  For anyone being paid the NMW, extra hours will automatically lower the average hourly rate. If overtime is not paid or TOIL is not given, then this is noncompliant with NMW legislation.

97% said that they regularly work over their contracted hours each week.

50% of equestrian workers told us they don’t log extra hours worked! Logging hours is important for ensuring that the NMW is paid correctly.

61% of these workers said they are paid at, or below the NMW. This means that they are not being paid in line with the law.


Here for you

Would you know how to calculate your hourly rate if you thought you were being paid incorrectly? You can watch our video explaining how to calculate your wages and you can read our National Minimum Wage guide.

Remember, employing legally is not a choice and an employer has a responsibility to ensure that everything is done correctly to protect you and themselves.

If you have concerns about your hourly rate, there may be other things that are not quite right, join the BGA for lots of guidance and employment advice.

The BGA is here to help you to ensure that you are getting paid correctly and offer advice about what you can do if you think something is wrong.


Join 1000’s of other grooms and belong to your professional association.


Why Join the BGA?

As a BGA member you will enjoy discounted insurance policies, education, and support. Join us to discover more and be part of a community of grooms, just like you.


If you would like to become a BGA member, have a look at our membership options, from as little as 49 pence per week. 








What the personal accident policy covers you for:

  • Whilst at work
  • All stable duties – mucking out, grooming, washing off, turning out
  • Clipping
  • Riding – including hacking and jumping
  • Hunting
  • Lunging
  • Breaking in
  • Holding horse for a vet and other procedures
  • Travelling horses both in the UK and abroad
  • Competing in line with your job including: jumping, dressage, eventing
  • Injuries that may happen to you whilst you are teaching - but you must also be grooming as part of your duties and not be a sole instructor

What the personal accident policy doesn’t cover you for:

  • Riding in a race, point to point or team chase
  • Stunt Riding
  • Accidents occurring whilst travelling to and from work
  • Riding and competing your own horse (but you can upgrade when applying for membership to include this)
  • Public Liability – this is a separate insurance policy - the Freelance Groom Liability Insurance
  • Care Custody and Control – this is a separate policy - the Freelance Groom Liability Insurance

If you require additional cover then please contact KBIS directly.


When you are working for other people you do most of the following; muck out, turn out/catch in, tack up, groom horses, exercise Horses (including hacking, jumping and schooling), in the care of your employer/client.




Predominantly ride horses for other people including schooling, exercising and competing.   

 Provide grooming services for someone else either full time or on a freelance basis i.e. an employer or a client.   


Employ staff – have an employers liability policy in your name NO NO YES
Buy and sell horses NO YES YES