Equestrian Recruitment Agencies
Looking for a new job with horses?
The first step is to join the BGA so that you are a member of your professional association - join today
We've put together a comprehensive list of the UK's leading equine recruitment agencies and top sites for job seekers to make your search even easier.
Don't forget to have a look at the BGA Job Board as well.
Careers in racing
Careers In Racing have the latest live jobs in the racing industry. www.careersinracing.com
Caroline Carter Recruitment
LOOKING FOR A JOB? LOOKING FOR STAFF? THE GROOMS LIST by Caroline Carter Recruitment is backed by a loyal following of grooms and employers and 25+ years of experience and have the most efficient and effective Job Board and the best bespoke/headhunting service in the industry for grooms and employers alike. www.thegroomslist.co.uk 0203 006 5730/07747 686118 info@carolinecarterrecruitment.com
The only website dedicated to office and professional roles within the Equine Industry. We specialise in professional roles for professional people. Our clients are seeking dedicated candidates with an interest/understanding of horses, the industry and the products used.
Yard and Groom
Yard and Groom are an online recruitment site. You can become a registered member for free, upload your photos, resume and work references and start contacting yards now! www.yardandgroom.com